FormaPure Reagent Kits DatasheetManual or Automated RNA, DNA or Total Nucleic Acid Extraction from FFPE

Agencourt FormaPure Reagent Kits

Manual or Automated RNA, DNA or Total Nucleic Acid Extraction from FFPE 

Nucleic acid extraction from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue is challenging due to the nature of the tissue preparation. Agencourt FormaPure reagent kits represent a single chemistry system designed and optimized for use in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) as well as other downstream applications including qPCR/ddPCR/PCR. Maximizing integrity, yield and purity from an FFPE sample is required to minimize the risk of losing important genetic information.

• Consistent extraction of NGS compatible RNA and/or DNA from a single FFPE sample
• Scalable single chemistry system for manual or automated usage
• Extract higher integrity nucleic acids supporting improved sensitivity for NGS applications

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